Microchips and Registration

A pet will always be well served by wearing a collar and ID tag, but in the event a pet is lost and the collar missing or damaged, the only permanent identification a pet has is a microchip. Microchips, however, do not store your contact information; they provide only an ID number which then must be registered with a recovery service that knows how to contact you. Unfortunately, 60% of owners who have microchipped their pets have not registered the chip. In order to prevent the chip registration from falling to the bottom of the To Do List, Janssen Veterinary Clinic will now take care of the registration process for you. You will then receive an email confirmation from the registration service with instructions about how to update your contact information in the event of a change.

If you think your pet has a microchip, but don’t know if it’s registered, stop in for a scan and we can point you in the right direction. If your pet needs a microchip, call for an appointment.

Microchip Package: Includes the microchip, implantation, and lifetime registration of the chip. Our staff will take care of the registration process and you will receive a confirmation email from HomeAgain.com. Also included is a one-year free access to Home Again Membership services.

  • Lost Pet Specialists Trained professionals are available 24/7 to send out Lost Pet Alerts and personally guide you through the emotional process of finding your lost pet.
  • Rapid Lost Pet Alerts Instead of waiting for someone to bring your pet in to be scanned, Home Again actively starts looking for your pet, sending out rapid Lost Pet Alerts to members of their Pet Recovery Network within a 25-mile radius from where your pet went missing. You also have access to ready-to-print Lost Pet Posters from your online account.
  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Hotline Call ASPCA veterinarian-staffed pet emergency hotline for help anytime a medical emergency strikes, at home or on the road with your pet. Includes free access to the Pet Poison Helpline – a $39 value.
  • Travel Assistance for Found Pets knowing just how far lost pets can travel, pet transport services will cover up to $500 to fly your found dog or cat home when he’s discovered over 500 miles away from home. This service was inspired by the pets of hurricane Katrina, who were shipped out to shelters across the country for emergency care. Home Again has also returned pets that were lost on vacation and pets that disappeared right before the family was moving away to a new home.
  • For More Information visit HomeAgain.com